Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald (portrayed by Christina Ricci), a brilliant, beautiful and talented Southern belle, the original flapper and an icon of the Jazz Age in the flamboyant 1920s. Zelda is a free spirit, who longs for a bigger and better life. When Zelda meets an unpublished writer named F. Scott Fitzgerald, a passionate, turbulent and notorious love affair emerges. This fictionalized biography pulls back the curtain on the wild parties and the music, as well the struggles, adultery, dark secrets and dashed dreams.
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Pages created so far[]
- 'Tilde' Sayre Palmer
- Anne Fowler
- Best of All
- Biltmore Hotel
- Christina Ricci
- Eleanor Browder
- Episode
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- Fun and Games
- General Discussion
- Judge Anthony Sayre
- Just Humans
- Lights! Camera! Fitzgerald!
- Main Page
- Minnie Sayre
- New on Wikia starter pages
- News and Announcements
- Pilot
- Playing House
- Questions and Answers
- Quicksand
- Season 1
- The It Girl
- The Right Side of Paradise
- Townsend Martin
- Where There Are Friends, There Are Riches
- You, Me and Us
- Z: The Beginning of Everything Wiki
- Zelda Fitzgerald
- Zelda and Scott
Fact and Fiction of Z: The Beginning of Everything
WARNING: The following post contains SPOILERS for Season 1.
Z: The Beginning of…